How to Navigate APC ActionApps
After successfully logging in, the first screen you will see is the Item Manager. Your content items will appear in a table format, as shown in the screen shot below. If you are an author, you will see only your own content. You will not see content that other authors have added.
The Active bin page File:Image
If you are an editor, you see the same folders as the author, which are described above. In those folders, however, you see all the content items in your slice, not just your own items.
Note: To see content from other authors, you need to have editor or administrator permission.
You will notice that there are two primary navigation bars.
Across the top of the screen, immediately under the Item Manager title, you will see a list of links, including View Site, Add Item and Item Manager. This is the top navigation bar, and it remains the same throughout your use of ActionApps. Clicking one of these links will change the view.
- View Site: Used to see a preview of your ActionApps slice. This is what your site's readers will see.
- Add Item: Used to add content to your site. Clicking this link will take you to an Add Item form. To add content items, complete this form. You will learn more about this in [#_How_to_Add Section 2.3 “How to Add a New Item”.]
- Item Manager: Used to edit and move content items that have been added to your slice. This view allows you to manage one of several folders of articles.
On the far right of the top navigation, you will see a drop-down list of all slices to which you have access (see screen shot). Depending on your organization, you may have access to only a single slice. To change from one slice to another, select a slice name from the Switch to: list.
Changing to a different slice File:Image
On the left side of the screen, you will see another navigation tool. This navigation will change depending on what section of ActionApps you are using. ====
Folders: Where Items Appear
In the Folders section of the left navigation bar, you will see a list of five folders.
- Active: Contains the items that have been approved in your slice and are currently displayed on your Web site.
- Pending:Contains items that have been approved in your slice, but have not yet been published to the site.
- Expired: Contains items that were approved in your slice, but have already expired and have been removed from your site. These items still appear in a search.
- Holding Bin: Contains items waiting to be approved. Items here are either fed from other slices, or have been edited in this slice but not yet approved.
- Trash Bin: Contains deleted items. These items will be permanently deleted when the slice administrator clicks Empty Trash. To recover deleted items, select the checkbox and then choose Move to Holding Bin from the drop-down menu. These items are never visible from your Website and do not appear in a search.
Select the name of the bin you want to work with in the Folders section in the left navigation.
Selecting a folder File:Image
Authors will see only their own items in any of these folders. Editors will see items by all the authors of the slice.
Editors will see new items posted by authors in the Holding bin. If Content Pooling is enabled, items published from other slices will also appear in the Holding bin. If the administrator has set up the Feed parameter, items from other slices will be marked with a hand icon.
Each item in a folder is a line in the Item Manager. Below the list of items is a drop-down menu that you use to choose an action for the selected items. You can select several items by clicking the checkbox next to the item, and then perform an action on all those items by choosing an action from the Selected Items menu. Actions that you can perform include moving an item to another folder, exporting the item to other slices, and previewing the item in its fulltext view.
The exact appearance of the Item Manager depends on how the slice administrator has set it up. The items will appear in a list with the more recently added items at the top. Depending on how the view is set up, you can sort the items by clicking any column header.
The number and content of the parameters which are displayed in your article manager depends on how the administrator has configured the slice. The appearance of the page can vary widely, but you will usually see Post Date and Headline. Generally, to edit an article, click on the headline or title.
To move an article to a different folder:
- Select the checkbox next to the name of the item you want to move. To select all items, click Select all from the Misc. section in the left navigation bar. (Take a look at the accompanying screen shot to see how Select all works. All item will be moved to the “Holding Bin" when the editor clicks the “Go" button.)
- Choose the destination folder from the list at the bottom.
- Click Go. This will automatically move the selected items.
How to move an item to a different folder File:Image
Some of the optional additional parameters you may see on this page include:
- An exclamation mark ('''!''')indicates whether the item is highlighted (light bulb) or not (no light bulb), to create a selection of the most important content items.
- Feed indicates if your item was imported from another ActionApps slice (identified with a hand) or published in this one (no hand).
- Posted By displays the author; if you have only author privileges, you will see only your own name.
- Category shows the thematic category assigned to the item.
- PUB indicates the status of the item: a red apple means the item is active (i.e., it appears on your slice's web page), a green apple is waiting for its publishing date, and an eaten apple means expired item.
Viewing Additional Details
You may see a link for More details or Less details in the left navigation. If you click More details, you will see the items listed with additional information. The abstract or summary is displayed together with a direct link to the full-text view of the item.
To view the items without the additional details, click Less details. This will take you back to the condensed listing.